When you open a web page, it is the process by which you contact a computer out there web site is stored. For example: You open a page of Google, in fact you are doing the communication with the computers owned by Google.
The question is, why we can access Google's site whenever we want?
The answer is because Google's computers connect to the Internet for 24 hours / day and 7 days / week without stopping. Computers Google never cease to serve whenever you want, and he was willing to go online and serve continuously.
There are some technical things, why Goggle can continue to serve us without stopping, it is referred to as Computer Server.
And the conclusion is, Computer Server:
* Places where the Web Program placed
* Connected 24 hours continuously
Then we can make them yourself?
The answer, CAN. We can create its own computer servers. You can subscribe to an Internet connection provider internet connection provider. Later you can ask for an IP number as an identifier, which will put the program accessible web visitors.
To be able to make the Web server itself, it really depends on our financial ability, where there is a server operating costs, employee salaries etc.. It was for personal, it felt pretty heavy cost.
Then there are companies who see this as a business opportunity, where they build the servers, then they for-divided into several parts / lots and rent them out.
Companies such as it is called Web Hosting. We can rent a plot-plot at a price that is cheaper than buying a computer server. So the rental model like this can be called a pocket economical for us mediocre.
The model is also very practical to rent, we do not have to mess around with the many matters such as the web server installation, server monitoring for 24 hours and so forth. This work was carried out by the Company sdah Web Hosting. You can just pay the rent in accordance with the plots / places that have been provided.
From the above information, Dreamlandhost present in Quality Cheap Hosting, Cheap Hosting U.S., and U.S. Unlimited Hosting for your Web Hosting business with a service that will help to put your files on our hosting.
Hopefully the above information can help you figure out the meaning and usefulness About Hosting.
Thank you.
The question is, why we can access Google's site whenever we want?
The answer is because Google's computers connect to the Internet for 24 hours / day and 7 days / week without stopping. Computers Google never cease to serve whenever you want, and he was willing to go online and serve continuously.
There are some technical things, why Goggle can continue to serve us without stopping, it is referred to as Computer Server.
And the conclusion is, Computer Server:
* Places where the Web Program placed
* Connected 24 hours continuously
Then we can make them yourself?
The answer, CAN. We can create its own computer servers. You can subscribe to an Internet connection provider internet connection provider. Later you can ask for an IP number as an identifier, which will put the program accessible web visitors.
To be able to make the Web server itself, it really depends on our financial ability, where there is a server operating costs, employee salaries etc.. It was for personal, it felt pretty heavy cost.
Then there are companies who see this as a business opportunity, where they build the servers, then they for-divided into several parts / lots and rent them out.
Companies such as it is called Web Hosting. We can rent a plot-plot at a price that is cheaper than buying a computer server. So the rental model like this can be called a pocket economical for us mediocre.
The model is also very practical to rent, we do not have to mess around with the many matters such as the web server installation, server monitoring for 24 hours and so forth. This work was carried out by the Company sdah Web Hosting. You can just pay the rent in accordance with the plots / places that have been provided.
From the above information, Dreamlandhost present in Quality Cheap Hosting, Cheap Hosting U.S., and U.S. Unlimited Hosting for your Web Hosting business with a service that will help to put your files on our hosting.
Hopefully the above information can help you figure out the meaning and usefulness About Hosting.
Thank you.
Hosting is the rental place to accommodate the data required by a website and so can be accessed via the Internet. The data here may include files, images, emails, applications / programs / scripts and databases.
BalasHapusdomain hosting