Minggu, 02 Januari 2011

10 SEO Techniques All Top Web Sites Should Use

SEO Techniques
66diggsdigg We recently discussed the 15 Key Elements All Top Web Sites Should Have. This post focused on elements relating to design, content and development. This time, we’ll move onto the important issue of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
SEO is such a hot topic these days. How do you get your web site within the first page or two of the search engines? How do you increase your Google page rank?
There are companies who dedicate themselves full time to doing SEO at a pretty penny. Something a lot of people can’t necessarily afford to pay for or spend the time on.
However, there are some simple things you can do when building your site that will help increase your chances of having good results. In no particular order, below are 10 of these items…

1. Title Tag

Near the very top of a web site’s source code you’ll find various meta tags — the standard ones being the Title, Description and Keyword tags. The title tag is technically not a meta tag, though it is commonly associated with them. The title tag plays such a large role in the indexing of your web site, that it is considered the most important of the three.
A page title is the first thing a search engine will look at when determining just what the particular page is about. It is also the first thing potential visitors will see when looking at your search engine listing.
It’s important to include a keyword or two in the title tag — but don’t go overboard – you don’t want to do what’s known as “keyword stuffing” which does nothing but make your web site look like spam. Most people will include either the company name, or title of the particular page here, as well.

2. Meta Tags

Meta TagsThere are two primary meta tags in terms of SEO — the description and the keyword tag. It’s debatable whether the search engines use the description tag as far as ranking your results. However it is one of the more important tags because it is listed in your search result — it is what users read when your link comes up and what makes them decide whether or not to click on your link.
Be sure to include a few relevant keywords in this tag, but don’t stuff it with keywords either. The description tag should read like a sentence — not a keyword list.
Due to “keyword stuffing” many search engines now completely disregard the keyword tag. It is no longer nearly as important as it was years ago, however it doesn’t hurt to include them in your source code.
When creating your keyword list, you’ll want to think of the specific terms people will type in when searching for a site like yours. Just don’t go overboard — too many duplicates are not a good thing (as in “web designer” “web designers” “custom web designer” “html web designer” “your state here web designer” – you get the idea). Those are all basically the same, so pick one or two variations at the most and move onto the next keyword.

3. Proper Use of Heading Tags

This is a very important element to consider when writing out your site copy. Use of heading tags helps users, web browsers and search engines alike know where the major key points of your copy are.
Your main page title should use the <h1> tag — this shows what your page is about. Use of additional tags, such as <h2> and <h3> are equally important by helping to break down your copy. For one, you’ll see a visual break in the text. But as far as the search engines are concerned, it will automatically know what your topics are on a page. The various heading tags give a priority to the content and help index your site properly.

4. Alt Attributes on Images

Alt Image TagPutting alt attributes on your images actually serves two purposes. In terms of SEO, putting a brief yet descriptive alt attribute along with your image, places additional relevant text to your source code that the search engines can see when indexing your site. The more relevant text on your page the better chance you have of achieving higher search engine rankings.
In addition, including image alt attributes help the visually impaired who access web sites using a screen reader. They can’t see the image, but with a descriptive alt attribute, they will be able to know what your image is.

5. Title Attributes on Links

Including title attributes on links is another important step that any good web site will have. That’s the little “tool tip” that pops up when you place your mouse over a link. These are especially important for image links, but equally useful for text links.
As a note, you should use descriptive text for your links. “Click here” doesn’t really tell a person – or more importantly, the search engines — what the link is. At the very least put a title tag that will explain that “Click Here” really means “Web Design Portfolio” for example. Better yet – make the main link text something like “View my web design portfolio” — this will give some value to the link showing that the resulting page is relevant to searches for portfolio’s.

6. XML Sitemap

My last post referenced the sitemaps used by web visitors to help them navigate through your site themselves. However, there’s another version — XML sitemaps — that are used by the search engines in order to index through your site, as well.
This list of ALL pages / posts / etc. of your site also includes information such as the date the page was last modified, as well as a priority number of what you feel the most important pages of your sites are. All elements that help the search engines properly find and link to all content of your site.

7. Relevant Content

Having content relevant to your main page or site topic is perhaps the most important SEO aspect of a page. You can put all the keywords you want in the meta tags and alt image tags, etc — but if the actual readable text on the page is not relevant to the target keywords, it ends up basically being a futile attempt.
While it is important to include as many keywords in your page copy as possible, it is equally as important for it to read well and make sense. I’m sure we’ve all seen keyword stuffed pages written by SEO companies that honestly don’t make much sense from the reader’s point of view.
When creating your site copy, just write naturally, explaining whatever information you’re discussing. The key is to make it relevant, and to have it make sense to the reader. Even if you trick the search engines into thinking your page is great — when a potential customer arrives at the site and can’t make heads or tails of your information and it just feels spammy to them — you can bet they’ll be clicking on the next web site within a matter of seconds.
Link Building

8. Link Building

We’ve probably all heard of Google Page Rank — it seems to be every web site owner’s dream to have as high a page rank as possible. While the algorithm for determining page rank encompasses many elements, and is constantly changing, one item is the number of links pointing to your web site.
Now, you’ll want to steer clear of link farms and other spammy attempts at getting links to your site. However there are many reputable and niche directory sites that you can use to submit your web site, or specific blog articles to.
With genuine content — especially if you have a blog — you’ll be able to generate links with other web sites and blogs, as well. It’s somewhat of a give and take, in that if you link out to other sites, you’ll find sites linking back to you  — and hopefully see your page rank going up, as well!

9. Social Media

Although technically not SEO, Social Media is such a growing factor in getting your web site noticed, that it’s an important element to include in your plan.
Social media ranges from social networks like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn — to social bookmarking sites such as Delicious, Digg, StumbleUpon and many more. There is a lot of relationship building involved, but as you build your own networks and build quality content on your web site or blog, you’ll see traffic to your web site increasing, as well.
As with any relationship, it is a give and take. Don’t just expect to join a site like Twitter for the pure sake of pushing your content. That just won’t fly — your true intentions will stick out like a sore thumb and do nothing but turn people off.
Even if you are on the site purely for networking reasons, the key is to make friends. Help out members of your network if they ask for a “retweet” or Digg, give helpful advice if asked, etc. You’ll see the same in return.
If you write a great post and have built meaningful relationships with peers in your  niche, you’ll often find that friends will submit your posts and give you votes on the social bookmarking sites. The more votes you receive, the more likely your post is to be noticed by others and shared around, often resulting in additional link backs from other blogs, etc.

10. A Few SEO Don’ts — Flash and Splash

Flash PlayerAlong with any list of Do’s come the Don’ts. As far as SEO is concerned, two of these items are splash pages (often consisting of a flash animation) and all flash web sites.
Yes, flash is pretty! Full flash web sites can actually be amazing to look at — their own bit of interactive artwork. But unfortunately the search engines don’t get along well with Flash. Although there is talk of possible advancement in this area, for the most part the search engines cannot read Flash.
All that great content that you wrote for your site will not be seen by the search engines if it’s embedded into a Flash web site. As far as the search engines are concerned, your all flash web site might as well be invisible. And if the search engines can’t see your site content, a good chunk of potential customers will miss out on what you have to offer, too.
Equally as “pointless” are splash pages. Once very popular, the splash page should no longer be an important feature of any site. While splash pages used to serve as an introduction into a web site (often with a flash animation), it is no longer seen as helpful, and often times might actually annoy visitors.
For one — it’s an extra click to get into your content. Worse is when you don’t give a “skip intro” option or set of links into your main site content — because you’re essentially forcing your visitors to sit through the full animation. If you’re lucky, this will only annoy them… if not — they’ll just leave without giving your main web site a shot. And without an html link pointing into your site, the search engines have no way to continue either (unless you made use of a sitemap.xml file — but still…)
A good alternative to both issues is to make use of a flash header. There’s no problem to include a flash animation at the top of your main site, or as a feature within the content area, etc. Because this is an addition to your web site, as opposed to a full separate element.

Lima langkah membuat efektif keyword

Lima langkah membuat efektif keyword

Lima langkah membuat efektif keyword web desain grafisRieset keyword adalah sesuatu aspek yang vital dari perencanaan Search Engine Optimizaton, jika situs anda memasang keyword yang salah, search engine dan customer anda tidak akan menemukan website anda
Proses riset keyword dapat di jabarkan dalam beberapa poin berikut ini:
1 ? Ciptakan Daftar Keyword dan Cek Daftar Tersebut 2x
2 ? Gunakan Tool Riset Keyword
3 ? Pastikan Daftar Keyword Anda Sekali Lagi
4 ? Rencanakan Langkah Anda
5 ? Submit ke Search Engine
1 ? Ciptakan Daftar Keyword dan Cek Daftar Tersebut 2x
Langkah pertama dalam proses adalah  membuat daftar potensial keyword. Pikirkan semua kata-kata yang akan di ketikkan visitor dalam kotak search google atau search engine lainnya untuk menemukan website anda
contoh "tutorial photoshop" atau "laptop murah"
2 ? Gunakan Tool Riset Keyword
Dalam hal ini kita ambil contoh kita hendak memasang keyword "tutorial photoshop", sebelumnya kita tidak tahu berapa nilai persainganm, dari keyword "tutorial photoshop" tersebut, semakin tinggi nilai persaingan maka semakin banyak visitor mencari keyword tersebut.
Perbandingan dan Nilai persaingan
tutorial photoshop 50
belajar photoshop  20
maka orang lebih suka mencari keyword "tutorial photoshop" daripada "belajar photoshop"
Nah dalam mencari perbandingan nilai keyword kita dapat menggunakan beberapa tool yang tersedia di internet, ada yang gratis dan ada yang bayar, diantaranya:
Overture Keyword Selector Tool (Gratis):
Overture selain menunjukkan persaingan keyword, dia juga menampilkan kombinasi frase-frase keyword terkait
hal ini cocok untuk mencari "Niche Market"
Wordtracker: - tool bagus, tapi untuk versi gratisnya dia hanya menampilkan Search Result MSN,
Google AdWords Keyword Tool:
Bagi yang ingin memasang Adwords anda bisa mengetahui harga keyword di sini
3 ? Pastikan Daftar Keyword Anda Sekali Lagi
Dibagian ini anda tahu sendiri apa yang harus nya di lakukan, apakah memilih keyword yang mempunyai persaingan tinggi atau persaingan rendah (Niche market)
Perbandingan dan Nilai persaingan
tutorial photoshop 50
belajar photoshop  20
Disini terserah, anda pilih menggunakan keyword yang mana
=> Jika anda menggunakan keyword yang mempunyai persaingan tinggi, maka untuk mengimbanginya website anda harus ber-pagerank tinggi pula
=> Jika anda menggunakan keyword yang mempunyai persaingan rendah (Niche Market), maka website anda dapat dengan mudah meraih Ranking #1 di Google
4 ? Rencanakan Langkah Anda
Siapkan langkah anda dan pasang keyword-keyword tersebut pada:
# Title Tag <title>
# Meta Description Tags <meta decscription=>
# Meta Keywords Tag <meta keyword=>
# Headings <h1> <h2>
# Alt text <alt>
# Anchor Text/ Navigational Links <a href=> keyword </a>
5 ? Submit ke Search Engine
Anda bisa mensubmit website anda ke Google di : www.google.com/addurl dan Yahoo

What is Hosting?

When you open a web page, it is the process by which you contact a computer out there web site is stored. For example: You open a page of Google, in fact you are doing the communication with the computers owned by Google.

The question is, why we can access Google's site whenever we want?

The answer is because Google's computers connect to the Internet for 24 hours / day and 7 days / week without stopping. Computers Google never cease to serve whenever you want, and he was willing to go online and serve continuously.

There are some technical things, why Goggle can continue to serve us without stopping, it is referred to as Computer Server.

And the conclusion is, Computer Server:

    * Places where the Web Program placed
    * Connected 24 hours continuously

Then we can make them yourself?

The answer, CAN. We can create its own computer servers. You can subscribe to an Internet connection provider internet connection provider. Later you can ask for an IP number as an identifier, which will put the program accessible web visitors.

To be able to make the Web server itself, it really depends on our financial ability, where there is a server operating costs, employee salaries etc.. It was for personal, it felt pretty heavy cost.

Then there are companies who see this as a business opportunity, where they build the servers, then they for-divided into several parts / lots and rent them out.

Companies such as it is called Web Hosting. We can rent a plot-plot at a price that is cheaper than buying a computer server. So the rental model like this can be called a pocket economical for us mediocre.

The model is also very practical to rent, we do not have to mess around with the many matters such as the web server installation, server monitoring for 24 hours and so forth. This work was carried out by the Company sdah Web Hosting. You can just pay the rent in accordance with the plots / places that have been provided.

From the above information, Dreamlandhost present in Quality Cheap Hosting, Cheap Hosting U.S., and U.S. Unlimited Hosting for your Web Hosting business with a service that will help to put your files on our hosting.

Hopefully the above information can help you figure out the meaning and usefulness About Hosting.

Thank you.


Mungkin anda bertanya tanya sebenarnya apa itu domain?
  • Domain
“Apalah artinya sebuah nama”, mungkin sahabat sering mendengar istilah tersebut. Sebenarnya nama itu penting untuk sebuah identitas yang membedakan satu sama yang lainnya, coba kita bayangkan kalau kita tidak mempunyai nama mungkin kita akan susah mengingat satu persatu sahabat kita,karena kita menggingatnya dalam bentuk fisik, tinggi dan pendek,warna kulit hitam dan putih, dll.
Maka dari itu begitu pentingnya sebuah nama untuk membedakan satu sama yang lainnya,begitu pula di internet nama blog/web begitu penting dan harus ada. Domain name (Nama Domain) adalah sebuah nama blog/web sebagai identitas yang membedakan blog/web satu sama yang lainnya.
.com  ( baca; dot com ) : yaitu untuk website bersifat komersil
.org  : untuk website organisasi
.info : untuk website berisi informasi
.biz : untuk website bisnis
.tv ; untuk website stasiun televisi
.gov ; untuk website milik pemerintah ( goverment )
.co.id ;   untuk website yang berada di indonesia di beri akhiran .id
dan lain – lain

Beberapa Blog Menghina Bangsa Indonesia

Beberapa Blog Menghina Bangsa Indonesia

Sebelumnya sudah ada beberapa blog yang menghina bangsa indonesia,namun kali ini saya menemukan lagi blog yang menghina bangsa indonesia.
maka dari itu saya mohon teman-teman jangan terprofokasi untuk membalasannya,mari kita laporkan saja blog tersebut ke link di bawah ini:
pilih Need to contact our support team? lalu pilih Report Hate Speech on Blogger

ini adalah link blog yang menghina bangsa indonesia:

Entah siapa di balik yang membuat blog itu,apakah yang kita kira selama ini? atau ada orang ketiga yang ingin mengadu domba?
mari kita laporkan saja semoga blog itu di tutup dari google.

9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

web traffics chart 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website
Image credit: stock.xchng
As bloggers, designers and consistent Internet surfers, we constantly visit a lot of websites and blogs on daily basis. Aside from reading the content, we get all curious too. These ponders are often figures and data the website/blog generates, for example – the pageviews, feedreader counts, rankings, web host, how much money a site makes, etc.
If you are constantly checking out these figures of any websites you go to, don’t worry because that’s a good sign. These information allows you to understand websites you visits better, it also keeps you closer to your competitions. If you often checkout Google PageRank, Alexa of your website and others, we want to show you more. Here are 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website. Full list after jump.
Disclaimer: We believe the following statistics, figures are not absolutely accurate (perhaps, nothing are) and they might varies from one web service to another.

1. Traffics: Visits, Pageview, Rankings

Most of us know Alexa is flawed and the rankings might not be too accurate. The fact is, nothing is really accurate. Any figures generated by these public web services are as good as cross-referencing and perhaps nothing more. The most accurate traffic figures and demographics information will only make known to the webmaster inside their Google Analytics, Sitemeter, etc account.


Alexa computes traffic rankings by analyzing the Web usage of millions of Alexa Toolbar users and data obtained from other, diverse traffic data sources.
alexa 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website


Compete is a new breed of web analytic company. Powered by the largest pool of online consumer behavior data in the industry, Compete.com is the only online competitive intelligence service that combines site and search analytics in one site to help you quickly master online marketing.
compete 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website


With Statbrain.com you can find out how many visits any site has. Statbrain uses different resources on the web combined with mathematical and statistical methods to estimate how many visits a website has. Statbrain estimates the number of visits that a website has based on offsite factors like backlinks, Alexa Rank etc.
statbrain 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website


Quantcast is a new media measurement service that enables advertisers to view audience reports for millions of sites and services to build their brands with confidence. The free service empowers publishers to demonstrate the unique value of their audiences by tagging their websites, videos, widgets and games for direct measurement.
quantcast 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

Google Trends For Websites

With Google Trends for Websites, you can get insights into the traffic and geographic visitation patterns of your favorite websites. You can compare data for up to five websites and view related sites and top searches for each one.
Google Trends 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

2. Loading Time

Find out what slows your site or a site you visit down. Good tools for site optimization.

Pingdom Tools

Pingdom offers cost-effective and reliable server, network and website monitoring. You can view the list of objects either in load order or as a hierarchy. The hierarchy view allows you to see which objects are linked to in for example a CSS file.Every test also shows general statistics about the loaded page such as the total number of objects, total load time, and size including all objects.
pingdom tools 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website


Webslug was conceived as an all encompassing way of testing site performance. It measures load time as the user sees it. The time it takes for a page to load fully from when the request was made.
webslug 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website


WebWait is a website timer that benchmarks your website or test the speed of your web connection. Timing is accurate because WebWait pulls down the entire website into your browser, so it takes into account Ajax/Javascript processing and image loading which other tools ignore.
Webwait 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

Internet Supervision

Internet Supervision monitors the availability, performance, and content of a website, web server and internet services from our UL approved offices with 24/7 personnel in Washington DC, Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Santiago, Chile.
internet Supervision 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

Link Vendor

Link Vendor shows the duration of a given website. This value can be used for showing how long a website take to load and if it is better to optimize the website or change a (slow) ISP.
linkvendor 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

3. Web Hosting

Some websites took traffic spikes smoothly. Wonder who’s hosting for them? Check them out.


Who.is is a website for performing whois lookups on domain names for many popular gTLDs and ccTLDs.
whois 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

Who Is Hosting This

Who Is Hosting This is a tool that lets you discover who is hosting any web site instantly. Enter the domain, and we’ll tell you which web hosting company the site uses. It’s that simple!
whoishostingthis 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

4. Feed Subscribers


Feedcompare is another web service that does the same; but instead of comparing web traffics, it compares Feedburner feed subscriber counts. Feedcompares supports comparison up to 4 websites/blogs and you can generate a chart as far as 24 months view. Feedcompare reveals feed subscriber counts as long as you type in the FeedBurner feed name.
feedcompare 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

How to Find Out Feedburner Subscribers Figures

We did show you how to find out feedburner subscribers figures when they don’t tell. Click the above link to check the tricks out.

5. Website In- History


Browse through 85 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago. To start surfing the Wayback, type in the web address of a site or page where you would like to start, and press enter. Then select from the archived dates available.
WayBackMachine 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

6. Interface Design


Browsershots makes screen shots of a web design in different browsers. It is a free open-source online service.
browsershots 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

Cross Browser Testing

CrossBrowserTesting.com allows website designers see what their website looks like in different browsers and in different operating systems.
crossbrowsertesting 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

7. SEO | PageRank, Backlinks, Indexed Pages and more

Xinu Returns

Find out how well a site is doing in popular search engines, social bookmarking and other site statistics
Xinu 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website


Website Grader is a free seo tool that measures the marketing effectiveness of a website. It provides a score that incorporates things like website traffic, SEO, social popularity and other technical factors.
website grader 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

SEO Meter

SEOmeter.com offers a convenient online SEO tool that allows webmasters to monitor their website’ crawling activities, and to collate crawling trend against their ongoing marketing campaign and other SEO strategies.
SEO Meter 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website


A tool to check at-a-glance the link popularity of any site based on its ranking (Google PageRank, Alexa Rank, Technorati etc.), social bookmarks (del.icio.us, etc), subscribers (Bloglines, etc) and more!
popURL 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

8. Website Value


dnScoop.com attempts to estimate a value for an established website or a domain name by using factors such as links pointing to the domain, popularity of the domain, age of the domain, pagerank of the domain and traffic to the domain.
dnScoop 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website


Cubestat is a free and perfect tool for website value calculation, estimations and information. Cubestat has an unique algorithm will calculate and estimate the website worth, daily pageviews and daily ads revenue of the present domain. Among the estimation it will show precise information available for the domain.
Cutestat 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website


Websiteoutlook is the perfect place to evaluate any website. When choosing to buy or sell a website having the proper information about your investment can be crucial to your success. Websiteoutlook is dedicated to finding all pertinent information that may pertain to your personal interest. And it’s FREE!
websiteoutlook 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website


Your Website Value is basically a calculator that evaluate the yearly potential value of a website based on many factors such as: Number of pages indexed in search engines; Number of sites linking to the website; Quality of website; Popularity of the website.
yourwebsitevalue 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

Site Value Calculator

Site Value Calculator is the easy way to check the value of your website. It finds the value of your website with seeing your site’s traffic trends, backlinks, alexa ranking and DMOZ links.
sitevaluecalculator 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

9. Everything About A Website (All in One)


Quarkbase is a free tool to find complete information about a website. It is a mash-up of over 30 data sources and many algorithms gathering information from Internet on various topics like social popularity, traffic, associated people, etc.
quarkbase 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

Domain Tools

Domain name search tool; allows wildcard search of current and deleted/expired whois domains.
DomainTools 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website

Read more: 9 Interesting Facts About Any Website http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/9-interesting-facts-to-know-about-a-website/#ixzz19q7cmgRO

Social network analysis

Social network analysis (related to network theory) has emerged as a key technique in modern sociology. It has also gained a significant following in anthropology, biology, communication studies, economics, geography, information science, organizational studies, social psychology, and sociolinguistics, and has become a popular topic of speculation and study.
People have used the idea of "social network" loosely for over a century to connote complex sets of relationships between members of social systems at all scales, from interpersonal to international. In 1954, J. A. Barnes started using the term systematically to denote patterns of ties, encompassing concepts traditionally used by the public and those used by social scientists: bounded groups (e.g., tribes, families) and social categories (e.g., gender, ethnicity). Scholars such as S.D. Berkowitz, Stephen Borgatti, Ronald Burt, Kathleen Carley, Martin Everett, Katherine Faust, Linton Freeman, Mark Granovetter, David Knoke, David Krackhardt, Peter Marsden, Nicholas Mullins, Anatol Rapoport, Stanley Wasserman, Barry Wellman, Douglas R. White, and Harrison White expanded the use of systematic social network analysis.[1]
Social network analysis has now moved from being a suggestive metaphor to an analytic approach to a paradigm, with its own theoretical statements, methods, social network analysis software, and researchers. Analysts reason from whole to part; from structure to relation to individual; from behavior to attitude. They typically either study whole networks (also known as complete networks), all of the ties containing specified relations in a defined population, or personal networks (also known as egocentric networks), the ties that specified people have, such as their "personal communities".[2] The distinction between whole/complete networks and personal/egocentric networks has depended largely on how analysts were able to gather data. That is, for groups such as companies, schools, or membership societies, the analyst was expected to have complete information about who was in the network, all participants being both potential egos and alters. Personal/egocentric studies were typically conducted when identities of egos were known, but not their alters. These studies rely on the egos to provide information about the identities of alters and there is no expectation that the various egos or sets of alters will be tied to each other. A snowball network refers to the idea that the alters identified in an egocentric survey then become egos themselves and are able in turn to nominate additional alters. While there are severe logistic limits to conducting snowball network studies, a method for examining hybrid networks has recently been developed in which egos in complete networks can nominate alters otherwise not listed who are then available for all subsequent egos to see.[3] The hybrid network may be valuable for examining whole/complete networks that are expected to include important players beyond those who are formally identified. For example, employees of a company often work with non-company consultants who may be part of a network that cannot fully be defined prior to data collection.
Several analytic tendencies distinguish social network analysis:[4]
There is no assumption that groups are the building blocks of society: the approach is open to studying less-bounded social systems, from nonlocal communities to links among websites.
Rather than treating individuals (persons, organizations, states) as discrete units of analysis, it focuses on how the structure of ties affects individuals and their relationships.
In contrast to analyses that assume that socialization into norms determines behavior, network analysis looks to see the extent to which the structure and composition of ties affect norms.
The shape of a social network helps determine a network's usefulness to its individuals. Smaller, tighter networks can be less useful to their members than networks with lots of loose connections (weak ties) to individuals outside the main network. More open networks, with many weak ties and social connections, are more likely to introduce new ideas and opportunities to their members than closed networks with many redundant ties. In other words, a group of friends who only do things with each other already share the same knowledge and opportunities. A group of individuals with connections to other social worlds is likely to have access to a wider range of information. It is better for individual success to have connections to a variety of networks rather than many connections within a single network. Similarly, individuals can exercise influence or act as brokers within their social networks by bridging two networks that are not directly linked (called filling structural holes).[5]
The power of social network analysis stems from its difference from traditional social scientific studies, which assume that it is the attributes of individual actors—whether they are friendly or unfriendly, smart or dumb, etc.—that matter. Social network analysis produces an alternate view, where the attributes of individuals are less important than their relationships and ties with other actors within the network. This approach has turned out to be useful for explaining many real-world phenomena, but leaves less room for individual agency, the ability for individuals to influence their success, because so much of it rests within the structure of their network.
Social networks have also been used to examine how organizations interact with each other, characterizing the many informal connections that link executives together, as well as associations and connections between individual employees at different organizations. For example, power within organizations often comes more from the degree to which an individual within a network is at the center of many relationships than actual job title. Social networks also play a key role in hiring, in business success, and in job performance. Networks provide ways for companies to gather information, deter competition, and collude in setting prices or policies.[6]

Social network

A social network is a social structure made up of individuals (or organizations) called "nodes", which are tied (connected) by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships, or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige.
Social network analysis views social relationships in terms of network theory consisting of nodes and ties (also called edges, links, or connections). Nodes are the individual actors within the networks, and ties are the relationships between the actors. The resulting graph-based structures are often very complex. There can be many kinds of ties between the nodes. Research in a number of academic fields has shown that social networks operate on many levels, from families up to the level of nations, and play a critical role in determining the way problems are solved, organizations are run, and the degree to which individuals succeed in achieving their goals.
In its simplest form, a social network is a map of specified ties, such as friendship, between the nodes being studied. The nodes to which an individual is thus connected are the social contacts of that individual. The network can also be used to measure social capital – the value that an individual gets from the social network. These concepts are often displayed in a social network diagram, where nodes are the points and ties are the lines.